Wind & Fall Weather

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IMG_2271The fall storms have seemed to be hitting early this year.  We were busy until the end of September, but we only got out a couple times in October.  Rain is not a big problem, as our boat has a large heated cabin.  Wind on the other hand is always a consideration.  A friend shared a link that seems quite accurate at predicting wind in a specific area. You can go anywhere on the globe to see an over lay of the wind.  You can then click on the map and get detailed info and forecasts for a specific area.  Here it is.


Last trip out we got seven crabs and saw that the sea lions are starting to show up.  We run the boat all year round and are now offering our winter rate of $180 per hour.  A trip to Tree Island or up the river is a great way to spend a couple hours, if the wind is not blowing too hard.  So check out the link and plan your trip to the crab traps or out sight seeing.