Adventure Lodges and Resorts for the boating community

When we do our boating to the Discovery Islands and Boughton Archipelago, we stay at the many adventure lodges and resorts that are available to boaters. Our boat is not set up for sleeping more than three or four close friends. Sometimes we will anchor in a secluded bay and set up camp on the beach. Other times we can find a dock to tie up to, at one of the many friends we have established over the years. When we have clients onboard, we normally find a lodge or resort to stay at. These lodges and resorts range from hostels to five diamond rated accommodation.
Discovery Islands

The discovery Islands are dotted with lodges and resorts. We have stayed at many of them, but less than half. Some are private and you need to know someone to get in. The Stuart Island area has the most high end resorts. I helped build the original Sonora Island Resort, but I couldn’t afford to stay there now. There are half a dozen fancy resorts near Stuart Island, but we stay just around the corner at Denham Bay. They have four new cabins on the water at a reasonable rate.
Another reasonable place to stay is Coast Mountain Expeditions. They mainly cater to kayakers and have lodges around Desolation Sound. Other remote lodges and resorts are
- Shoal Bay – once the largest settlement on the west coast of Canada.
- Blind Channel – Restaurant, fuel, liquor store.
- Homathko Camp – At the head of Bute Inlet.
Broughton Archipelago
Located between the northern Vancouver Island and the mainland is the bought Archipelago. This maze of Islands offers miles of sheltered channels and inlets. Our Goal this spring is to get as far north as Nimo Bay,a wilderness resort with helicopters. We will be doing trips out of Telegraph Cove to get to Gilford Island and surrounding area. We have not explored this area and are excited to be finally able to spend some time to poke around. The Billy Proctor Museum at Echo Bay is a must see, if you are interested in the local history.
If you are interested in seeing any of this and more, let us know. This journey will start in April and end in May. We have no time line to follow and can be flexible to accommodate anyone that would like to join us.