Denham Bay Wilderness Retreat
Stuart Island is the heart of this area. In the past there was a Pub & Fuel dock in Big Bay. Over the last 25 years the small lodges have been bought up by the very rich. Richie Brothers put in an exclusive resort with a private airport. Next door Dennis Washington’s lodge boasts the most expensive 9 hole golf course in North America. Across the channle is London Drugs impressive luxury hotel (it looks like it belongs at Whistler ) The list of rich and famous people that own property in this area is impressive. Most of these sites bring their fuel and booze in by the barge load. Since there is no longer a Bar or public fuel dock, it is getting harder for the general public to enjoy this wonderful area without an in.
Peter Geneau & Sarah Askwith have solved this problem when they built their lodge in Denham Bay. Situated just north of Stuart Island, their lodge is in a protected bay and a safe distance from the dangerous tidal rips. Returning salmon school up out in front, waiting for a favourable tide at the narrows around the corner. Denham Bay cater to transient boaters looking for a spot to tie up for the night and boaters that need accommodations. The cabins are perfect for up to 4 couples that want to explore this area. Each couple gets their own new cabin, and the cooking is done in a large semi-enclosed communal kitchen. Pete has been a fish guide in this area for over 30 years. To contact Pete e-mail @ or call 250-703-6978.
Comox Harbour Charters has booked all 4 of the cabins for a trip on May 16th. This trip filled up quickly, but we will be doing more trips this spring, if there is enough interest. If you would like to join us on one of these trips please E-mail me @

This photo was taken in the early 80s. My brother Mike (at far end ) was building the original Senora Island Lodge. We took a rare day off to go see the arron rapids during one of the biggest tides of the year. The ocean had a 2.5 foot waterfall going on behind us. Eight hours later the 15 knot current is running in the opposite direction. Front to back is Matt Hope, Ian McNaughton, Danny Clair, Lorrie ? & Mike Clair.